Mindfulness Meditation on Breath (5 minutes)

Basic meditation on. your breath. Teaches you to notice when your mind wanders, acknowledge that without judgment, and bring it back to what you want it to focus on- in this case, your breath.

Mindfulness Meditation on Breath & Thoughts (10 0r 15 minutes)

Meditation to help you see thoughts as temporary, passing mental processes.

 Body Scan Meditation 20 minutes

Helps become more aware of your body , relax, release any tension and sleep better ( if done before bed)

Five Senses Exercise (3 minutes)

Mindfulness allows you to be aware and clearly see, without judgement, what is happening inside and outside of you. Awareness starts with your senses. This is a great exercise to train your awareness muscle, as well as to use when you feel in your head or overwhelmed. It allows you to come out of your head and ground in present- where your senses are.

Mindful Minute ( 1 minute)

This is a no-excuse mindfulness practice. Who does not have one minute to invest in a their calm & clarity? In this practice you help your mind focus by counting your inhale and exhales. Just for one minute. Use it any time you need to create space in your mind.

Just Like Me - 10 minute meditation

Just Like Me meditation helps us to build a mental habit to see other people as similar to us - as human beings. This is important because then we can empathize with others, build better relationships and have productive conversations when conflict arises. 

The meditation can be done on its own as added after any other meditation.